V3.1.5 修正 0度以下温度读取错误,导致程序出错 Corrected the temperature reading error below 0 degrees, causing program error. V3.1.6 修正 EAF设置运行长度为1步时,不工作问题 修正 电机过载保护机制 Fixed the problem that EAF does not work when the running length is set to 1 step Corrected motor overload protection mechanism V3.1.7 提高电机负载能力。 Increase motor load capacity. V3.1.9 修正 外置温度传感器精度 修正 内部数据保护功能 Corrected external temperature sensor accuracy Fixed internal data protection function V3.2.2 代码优化 支持EAF 5V Code optimization EAF 5V supported V3.2.3 代码优化 Code optimization V3.2.8 代码优化 Code optimization V3.3.0 代码优化 Code optimization V3.3.2 代码优化 Code optimization V3.3.3 提高外部传感器精度 Enhance the external temperature sensor accuracy V3.3.5 代码优化 Code optimization Add Mac Linux update tool